Missing Home

Travel is always a great thing, you get to learn more about about the backyard we call our Earth’s overall culture. But eventually everyone hits something that makes them lose motivation to keep trying to travel and that is called being homesick. Homesickness is extremely common for most people and you could be gone for two days or two years to feel this way.

I have traveled a lot in my lifetime and have experienced massive amounts of homesickness doing so. It’s hard to pick yourself out of it and when you can’t you feel empty inside and just want to lie in bed all day and think about home.

My first week in Denmark was my hardest so far. I didn’t know anyone and had not much I could do to occupy myself. I found myself waking up and getting ready for the day to just go back to sleeping in the mornings. I would message people back home but it was difficult because of the time difference. The memory of my parents crying at the airport weighed me down more than a sack of bricks would.

It’s all very hard to deal with but you always just need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and go have fun. Homesickness goes away when you have something to do, whether it’s a walk around town or a party that lasted all night its best to keep yourself occupied. I am better now because of this. I have friends who are great and am becoming closer with my host family. Nothing can ever bring down your happiness, it all depends on your attitude, so remember to smile once in a while.

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